What is Double-Deck in Logistics

In the rapidly developing logistics industry, efficiency and process optimization are crucial for maintaining competitiveness. Transport companies like ours at FEBO are constantly seeking innovative solutions to enhance productivity, reduce costs, and improve service quality. One such solution is double-deck technology, which is revolutionizing the way we manage cargo space in our vehicles.

Double-deck is a system that allows for more efficient use of space in trailers and trucks. With this system, we can transport a larger volume of goods in a single trip, which directly translates into reduced operational costs and lower CO2 emissions. In an era of increasing environmental awareness and the need for sustainable development, such solutions are not only beneficial but essential.

At FEBO, we proudly implemented double-deck technology in our fleet, allowing us to offer even better services to our clients. In the following sections of this article, we will explain how this technology works, the benefits it brings, and why we decided to incorporate it into our company.

How Does Double-Deck Work?

Double-deck is an advanced technological solution that enables optimal use of cargo space in transport vehicles. This system involves adding an additional level inside the trailer or truck, allowing goods to be loaded on two different levels. In practice, this means that instead of transporting loads only on the standard floor of the vehicle, we can place part of the cargo on special platforms, creating a second tier.

The operation mechanism of the double-deck system relies on several key elements:

  • Modular Platforms: The interior of the trailer is equipped with a system of movable or fixed platforms that can be raised or lowered depending on the loading requirements. These platforms can be installed at various heights, allowing for flexible adjustment of the cargo space to accommodate the dimensions of the transported goods.
  • Lifting and Locking Systems: To ensure the safety of the transported goods, the double-deck system is equipped with lifting mechanisms and locking systems that stabilize the platforms at the desired height. This ensures that the loads placed on the upper level are securely fastened and prevented from shifting during transit.
  • Loading Flexibility: The double-deck system allows for the loading of goods of varying heights and sizes, which is particularly beneficial when transporting a diverse range of products. The ability to adjust the height of the platforms enables optimal use of available space, minimizing empty areas and increasing loading efficiency.

At FEBO Logistic, we use the double-deck system in our vehicles to maximize transport efficiency. This solution allows us to carry a larger volume of goods in a single trip, which translates into reduced operational costs and fewer trips, ultimately lowering emissions and minimizing our environmental impact.

Double-deck is an ideal solution for companies that require flexibility in managing their cargo and want to optimize their logistics operations. At FEBO Logistic, this technology enables us to meet even the most demanding orders, providing our clients with solutions tailored to their individual needs.

Benefits of Using Double-Deck Technology

The implementation of double-deck technology in our fleet brings a range of benefits that directly impact operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, and the sustainable development of our business. We experience these benefits daily, allowing us to offer services at an even higher level. Here are the most important ones:

  1. Optimization of Cargo Space
    Double-deck technology allows for the maximum utilization of available cargo space in transport vehicles. With the ability to load goods on two levels, we can transport a significantly larger volume of goods in a single trip. This means we can fulfill more orders in one journey, which is especially advantageous when transporting a variety of products that differ in size and weight.
  2. Increasing Transport Efficiency
    Carrying more goods in one trip also leads to greater transport efficiency. Fewer trips result in fuel savings, which not only reduces operational costs but also lessens environmental impact. For our clients, this means faster and more economical order fulfillment, while for us, it allows better management of our fleet and resources.
  3. Reduction of Operational Costs
    Using the double-deck system contributes to the reduction of operational costs. Increased loading and transport efficiency mean we can reduce the number of trips, directly translating into savings on fuel, road tolls, and vehicle maintenance costs. This allows us to offer competitive pricing, benefiting both our company and our clients.
  4. Reduction of Carbon Footprint
    Fewer trips also mean lower emissions, which is crucial for sustainable development. At FEBO Logistic, we are aware of our environmental impact, and we strive to minimize our carbon footprint. The double-deck system is one of the solutions that helps us achieve these goals while continuing to provide high-quality transport services.
  5. Better Cargo Security
    With the ability to load goods on two levels, the double-deck system allows for better cargo protection during transport. Goods placed on the upper level are less exposed to damage caused by the shifting of other loads, minimizing the risk of damage and loss. This leads to greater customer satisfaction, as they can be confident that their products will arrive at their destination in perfect condition.

At FEBO Logistic, we believe that double-deck technology is an investment that brings tangible benefits to both us and our clients. It enables us to provide our services more efficiently, economically, and in an environmentally friendly manner.


Double-deck technology is an innovative solution that brings numerous benefits to both transport companies and their clients. At FEBO Logistic, we proudly implemented this technology in our fleet, allowing us to fulfill orders more efficiently, flexibly, and in an environmentally friendly manner. With the double-deck system, we can maximize cargo space, enhance operational efficiency, and provide our clients with services of the highest quality.

Our experience with double-deck technology shows that it is a solution that excels in daily operations, enabling better cargo protection, cost optimization, and the fulfillment of even the most demanding orders. In today’s world, where competitiveness and sustainable development play a crucial role in business success, double-deck technology has become an essential component of a modern transport fleet.

If you would like to learn more about how our services can help your company optimize transport, we warmly encourage you to get in touch. At FEBO Logistic, we are ready to work with you to find the best solutions tailored to the specific needs of your business. Contact us today to find out how we can contribute to your company’s success. Together, we will achieve your logistics goals efficiently and sustainably.

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